How to change the purpose of a land plot: key points

Proper use of land is an important aspect for land owners. Improper use can lead to fines or even loss of ownership. To avoid these problems, you need to understand what can be built or how to use the land based on its permitted use. Let’s figure out how to find out and change the type of permitted use of the site (VRI).
What is a LIE?
The type of permitted use of the site is its purpose, determined by the state. All lands are divided into categories, each of which has its own rules of use. Article 7 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation identifies 7 categories:
- agricultural lands,
- lands of settlements,
- Industrial, transport and energy lands,
- Specially protected areas,
- lands of forest and water resources,
- Reserve lands.
Only agricultural land and settlements are available to individuals. Each category has its own types of permitted use.
The main types of VRI
Maybe you’re lying:
- Main — the main use case of the site, determined by the local rules of land use and development. For example, residential buildings can be built on the site.
- Conditionally permitted — an additional purpose that can only be used with the permission of local authorities. For example, a store can be built on a site intended for residential construction, but only if a number of conditions are met.
- Auxiliary — additional use of the site, which complements the main or conditionally permitted VRI. For example, you can add a garage or outbuildings to an apartment building.
How do I find out the location of a land plot?
To find out the type of permitted use of the site, you can use an extract from the Unified State Register of Real Estate (Unified State Register of Real Estate). Here are some ways to get this information:
- On the Rosreestr website — through your personal account.
- Through the portal of Public Services — without having to fill out an application, it is enough to specify the cadastral number.
- You need to come to the MFC with a passport and real estate documents.
- Through the cadastral map is an open online service for searching information by cadastral number.
When do I need to change my VRI?
A change in the VRI may be required in several cases:
- If you plan to use the site for other purposes (for example, commercial activity on the site intended for individual housing construction).
- If there is a desire to reduce the cadastral value of the plot to reduce the tax.
It is important to note that improper use of the site can lead to fines. For example, for placing a store on a site for residential housing (individual housing construction), the owner may receive a fine, and the site is withdrawn.
How to change the VRI?
To change the type of permitted use of a land plot, you need to:
- The main or auxiliary owner can choose independently from the available options in the Rules of Land Use and Development.
- Conditionally permitted VRI — it is necessary to apply to local authorities and wait for permission.
If the selected VRI is not in the rules, then you need to submit a petition for its introduction. After consideration, the municipality may decide to add a new type of use or refuse.
Documents for changing the VRI
To change the VRI in the EGRN, you will need the following documents:
- owner’s passport,
- application for cadastral registration indicating the new VRI,
- power of attorney (if the documents are submitted by a representative).
Documents can be submitted through the MFC or the Public Services portal.
In what cases is it impossible to change the VRI?
Changing the VRI may not be available if:
- The desired VRI is missing from the local land use regulations.
- The site is located in a specially protected area.
- The lessee cannot change the VRI if the site is in state ownership and the lease agreement is concluded through bidding.
Help in changing the VRI from YANG CONSULT!
The procedure for changing the type of permitted use of a land plot can be complicated and requires a clear understanding of all legal nuances. YANG CONSULT Business Law company will help you at all stages: from analyzing the current VRI to submitting documents and interacting with municipal authorities. Contact professionals to avoid fines and unnecessary costs, as well as to get the most profitable solution for your business!
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